
                                            Proverbs increase the beauty of language.Some proverbs are given below .We can use them while talking and make our speech impresive.

*1. Knowledge is power.*
*2. Work is worship.*
*3. Health is wealth.*
*4. Time is money.*
*5. Haste makes waste.*
*6. Character is destiny.*
*7. Exuberance is Beauty.*
*8. Practice makes man perfect.* 
*9. Confidence is a key to success.*
*10. Sound mind in sound body.*
*11. Experience is the best teacher.*
*12. Never have a resistance to change.*
*13. No pains, no gains.*
*14. Hope is walking dream.*
*15. Charity begins at home.*
*16. Fortune favours the brave.*
*17. Well beginning is the half done.*
*18. Positive attitude creates positive peoples.*
*19. Good things happens to good peoples.*
*20. To teach is to learn twice.*
*21. No wisdoms like silence.*
*22. Difficulty is a severe instructor.*
*23. Good luck never comes late.*
*24. Delay in justice is injustice.*
*25. Actions speaks louder than words.*
*26. Progress is the law of life.*
*27. A good deed is never lost.*
*28. Failure is the first step of success.*
*29. More you struggle, more you become strong.*
*30. Every man is the creature of his own fortune.*
*31. Good handwriting is the mirror of good learning.*
*32. Slow but steady can win the race.*
*33. A friend in neef is a friend indeed.*
*34. Where there is  will there is way.*
*35. Change your thought and you will change your world.*
*36. A journey of thousand miles begins with a first step.*
*37. He that burns most, shines most.*
*38. Patience is a plaster for all sores.*
*39. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.*
*40. The pen is mightier than sword.*
*41. He who moves not forward goes backward.*
*42. If you act to be happy, you will be happy.*
*43. A positive attitude can overcome a negative situation.*
*44. The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet.*
*45. Hard times are the moments of reflection.*
*46. Your best teacher is your last mistake.*
*47. I listened and I forgot, I watched and I remembered, I do and I understand.*
*48. Every success has a trails of failure behind it.*
*49. Be concern with action only not with its result.*
*50. Every day may not be good but there is something in every day.*
*51. The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay there.*
*52. Hope is the affirmation of positive thought.*
*53. The life without goal is life without meaning.*
*54. It's not how long, but how well, we live.*
*55. The darkest hour is before the dawn.*
*56. The brave die once, cowards many times.*
*57. The great artist is simplifier.*
*58. It is not work that kills but worry.*
*59. None but the brave deserves the fair.*
*60. Desire is the very essence of man.*
*61. Hearing brings wisdom, speaking repentance.*
*62. Prayer is the voice of faith.*
*63. Whatever you cannot understand, you cannot possess.*
*64. United we stand, divided we fall.*
*65. Character is simply a habit long continued.*
*66. True wealth is celebrating the present moment.*
*67. Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.*
*68. Instead of cursing the darkness, be the one to light a candle.*
*69. Happines is found in your heart, not in your circumstances.*
*70. You only lose when you give up.* 

Some other Proverbs : 

  • Health is wealth .
  • Time is money .
  • Old is gold.
  • To err is human .
  • Haste makes waste.
  • Might is right.
  • Union is strength.
  • Doctor after death.
  • Diamond cuts diamond.
  • Money begets money .
  • Tit for tat .
  • Truth will be out.
  • A nine days wonder. 
  • A figure among ciphers.
  • charity begins at home.
  • Fools praise fools.
  • Majority carries the point.
  • Walls have ears.
  • Anger punishes itself.
  • Delay is dangerous.
  • Friends agree at a distance.
  • Familarity breeds contempt.
  • Fortune favours the brave.
  • Pain is gain.
  • Physician heals thyself. 
  • Prosperity makes friends.
  • Truth always triumphs.
  • A day after the fair.
  • A wolf in sheep's clothing.
  • Better late than never.
  • Civility costs nothing.
  • Make virtue of necessity.
  • More than a match.
  • Drops make an ocean.
  • A will will find a way.
  • A word is enough for the wise.
  • Afig for the doctor when cured.
  • A sovereign's word is the law.
  • Action speaks louder than words.
  • A kick of cuff at all hours.
  • An army marches on its stomach.
  • A fireband in the hand of madman.
  • A burnt child dreads the fire.
  • Blood is thicker than water.
  • Beggers can't be choosers.
  • Child is the father of man.
  • Casting pearls before swine. 
  • Delay of justice is injustice.
  • Dissimilarity is the law of nature.
  • Doing is better than saying.
  • Experience is the best teacher.
  • Foolish fear doubleth danger.
  • Faith can move mountains.
  •  First come first serve.
  • Hunger is best sauce.
  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • Ill gotten ill spent.
  • Little things please little minds .
  • Many a little makes mickle.
  • Misfortunes seldome come alone.
  • Money makes the mare go.
  • Many men many minds.
  • Many hands make work light.
  • Necessity knows no law.
  • Necessity is the mother of invention.
  • No pains no gains.
  • Prevention is better than cure.
  • Reap as you sow.
  • Truth is always bitter.
  • The early bird catches the worm.
  • Great cry little wool.
  • An empty vessel makes much noise.
  • A stitch in time saves nine.
  • As the king , so are the subjects.
  • A drawning man will clutch at a straw.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • A bad workman blames his stools.
  • Better an open enemy than a false friend.
  • Between the devil and deep sea.
  • Do well and have well.
  • Every dog has his day.
  • Every house has his skeleton.
  • Nearer the church farther from god.
  • One cannot serve two masters.
  • Well begun is half done.
  • All is fair in love and war.
  • All is well that ends well.
  • Cut your coat according to your cloth.
  • It takes two to make quarrel.
  • Listen to people but obey you conscience.
  • Sound mind in a sound body.


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