
ADVERBS : The word which tells something about the verb,is called an adverb.

e.g.The elephant walks slowly.
      Horse runs fast.
 In the above sentences slowly and fast are adverbs.
Note: Adverbs form by adding suffix to the Adjectives
e.g. slow - slowly
       happy - happily
       careful - carefully

Exceptions for the rule above :
 e.g. good - well
       fast - fast
       hard - hard

KInds of Adverbs :

(1) Adverbs of time : yesterday,today,tomorrow,late,early,now,etc.

(2) Adverb of place  :here,there,down,below,everywhere etc.

(3)Adverb of manner  :slowly,fast,angrily,happily

(4)adverb of frequency : once,twice,often,always

(5)Adverb of degree :quite,very,almost,fully

(6)Adverb of reason :purposely,accidently,therefore

(7)Adverbs of affirmation and negation : surely,certainly,neither,never

(8) Interrogative adverb : where,when,how,why

List of Adverbs is given below :


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