One - word Substitutions

  1. Ability to undergo hardship in reachin the goal - endurance
  2. A cage of chickens - coop
  3. A cave especially one made artificially as a garden shelter - grotto
  4. A clever action showing strength,skill or courage - feat
  5. A country which is very distant - remote
  6. Action that creates something new - improvisation
  7. Act of thinking that something will happen - anticipation
  8. A division of the country- region
  9. A far away place - remote
  10. A feeling of sadness and helplessness - depression
  11. A follower of a leader or a teacher - disciple
  12. A group of people sharing particular charactaristerics - contingent
  13. A group of some trees - grove
  14. A horse for riding - steed
  15. A large hairy bee - bumble bee
  16. A large motor boat - launch
  17. All those things that a performer knows and can perform - repertoire
  18. A long walk in the country - hike
  19. An animal that cannot be tamed - wild
  20. An area  where birds and wild animals are protected from hunters - sanctuary
  21. An old fashione sentry/guards - sentinels
  22. Anxiety ornworry and fear  - trepidation
  23. Anything made to look like real in order to deceive people - fake
  24. A part of the country - region
  25. A person not possessing proper knowledge of medicine but is pretending to have it - quack
  26. A period of ten years - decade
  27. A person expert in logic - logician
  28. A person sent as representative - deligate
  29. A peron skilled in accurate shooting  - marksman
  30. A person very reserved in speech - reticent
  31. A person who designs ,builds or maintains engines,machines,bridges,railway etc. - engineer
  32. A person who does something for enjoymentand not as ones' job - amateur
  33. A person who greatly admire somebody or something - devotee
  34. A person who has been forced to leave his country and seek shelter in another country - refugee 
  35. A person who is an example of - exponent
  36. A person who lives in a place - occupant
  37. A person who pays a great attention to exactness - purist
  38. A person who studies remains of ancient time - archeologist
  39. A perso who supervises and directs othe workers - foreman
  40. A person who travels around a new place to learn about it - explorer
  41. A person who used to run and carry messages from one place to another - ( mail-runner )
  42.  A person with a long experience of any occupation - veteran
  43. A person with unusual,almost magical abilities - wizard
  44. A picture painted in water colour on a wall or ceiling before the plaster is dry - fresco
  45. A place to which a lot pf people go on holidays - resort
  46. A place where clothes are kept - wardrobe
  47. Area of low flat wet land - fen
  48. A renedy for all disease - panacea
  49. Art of making figures ,objects etc by carving stone - sculpture
  50. a short pointed knife that is used as a weapon - dagger
  51. A situation in which two people or groups try to get the same thing - (tug-of-war)
  52. A soldier standing as a guard - sentry
  53. Assembly of graduates of a university - convocation
  54. A statement expressing that one is sorry - treat
  55. A statement showing too much pride - boast
  56. A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes - invisible
  57. A thing that is fit to be eaten - edible
  58. A thing that shows that something exist or is true - testimony
  59. A very dishonest person - rogue
  60. A wide view of the country scenery - landscape
  61. A worry or fear about something - anxiety
  62. Back with a round lump - hunchback
  63. Breathing quickly with short breaths - panting
  64. Cause of great pain - distress
  65. Chemical substance used to pests,especially insects - pesticide
  66. Chief city of region or country - metropolis
  67. Condition of being lost in dreamy pleasant thoughts - reveries
  68. Condition of great happiness and feeling of peace - nirvana
  69. Death by electric shocks - electrocution
  70. Deep regret for having done wrong - contrition
  71. Edge of something that is circular - rim
  72. Experts who work for insurance companies - actuaries
  73. Fact that exists and can be experienced by the senses - phenomenon
  74. Feeling shamefull about something - ashamed
  75. Feeling that tells one about matter of right or wrong - conscience
  76. Fighting or struggling with each other for a short time in a way that is not serious - scuffing
  77. Fire or light used as a signal - beacon
  78. Fishing boat with a large fishing net attached to it - trawler
  79. Fruits consisting of a hard shell with a kernel inside it nuts
  80. Food that keps person,animal or plant alive or well – nutrition 
    81.Gevernment run by the people for the people of the people – democracy
    82.Gradual and continuous loss – decline
    83.Group of animals,birds or plants that are alike in some way – species
    84.Handle something in particular way – treat
    85.Height above the sea level – altitude
    86.Holes or tunnels in the ground made by animals to live in – burrows
    87. Holy or respected places – shrines
     88.Journey movement from one place to another – migration
    89.Lack of action – inaction
    90.Large and birds with a long beak,neck and legs – storks
    91.Large area of high level land – plateau
    92.Large fire built outside either foe pleasure or to burn unwanted things – bonfire
    93.Lasting only for a very short time – temporary
    94.Long walk in the country – hike
    95.Low part of the body below the waist and above the legs – loins
    96.Mass of ice formed by snow on mountains – Glacier
    97.Medical examination of a body held after death – (Post-martem)
    98.Messages carried by a government official news or business - dispatches 
    99.Messenger who carries urgent official news or business - courier
    100.Murder of oneself - sucide

    1. Musical entertainment given in public by one or more performers - concert
    2. Object or weapon thrown at a target - missile
    3. Official document or speech which praises person for having done something brave or special - ciation
    4. One who applies engineering knowledge to practical uses in industry - technologist
    5. One who believes in the existence of god - thiest
    6. one who believes that all objects have souls - animist
    7. One who buys and sells goods - merchant
    8. One who cannot read or write - illiterate
    9. One who disagrees in opinion - dissenter
    10. One who does not believe in the existence of god - athiest
    11. One who does not care for literasture or art - philistine
    12. One who eats too much - greedy
    13. One who eats vegetables only - vegetarian
    14. One who enters privately owned  property of land without permission - trespasser
    15. One who is offer money - mercenary
    16. One who is liked by everybody - popular
    17. One who is unable to pay one's debt - insolvent
    18. One who is easily made angry - irritable
    19. One makes an official examination of accounts - auditor



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