
Showing posts from July, 2019

One - word Substitutions

Ability to undergo hardship in reachin the goal - endurance A cage of chickens - coop A cave especially one made artificially as a garden shelter - grotto A clever action showing strength,skill or courage - feat A country which is very distant - remote Action that creates something new - improvisation Act of thinking that something will happen - anticipation A division of the country- region A far away place - remote A feeling of sadness and helplessness - depression A follower of a leader or a teacher - disciple A group of people sharing particular charactaristerics - contingent A group of some trees - grove A horse for riding - steed A large hairy bee - bumble bee A large motor boat - launch All those things that a performer knows and can perform - repertoire A long walk in the country - hike An animal that cannot be tamed - wild An area  where birds and wild animals are protected from hunters - sanctuary An old fashione se

Antonyms - List of 1000 Opposite Words

List of 1000 Opposite Words     about × exactly above × below absence × presence abundance × lack accept × refuse accidental × intentional active × lazy add × subtract admit × deny adult × child advanced × elementary affirmative × negative afraid – brave after × before against × for alike × different alive × dead all × none allow × forbid already × not yet always × never ancient × modern ancestor × descendant agree × refuse amateur × professional amuse × bore ancestor × descendant angel × devil animal × human annoy × satisfy answer × ask answer × question antonym × synonym apart × together approximately × exactly argue × agree arrest × free arrival × departure arrive × depart artificial × natural ascent × descent ask × answer asleep × awake attack × defend attack × defence attic × cellar autumn × spring awake × asleep awful × nice back × in front of background × foreground backward × forward bad × good bad luck × fortune beauty

Singular and Plural Numbers

NUMBER : (1) Singular Number : When noun denotes only one thing,that is the singular number of that noun.,cow,bird,dog etc. (2)Plural Number : When noun denotes more than one things,that is the plural number of that noun. Rules os Changing Number : (1) Generally,by adding suffix 's' change the singular number into plural number. Singular Number Plural Number book house doll river mountain game farmer plant garden bullock book s houses dolls rivers mountains games farmers plants gardens bullocks (2) If there is ( s,sh,ch,x,o or z) at the end of the singular common noun add 'es' as suffix to change into plural form. Singular Number Plural Number Lens Glass Bus Dress Class Pass Kiss Gas Bush Splash Dish Brush Bench Watch Match Branch Catch Bunch Batch Church Box Fox Tax Mango Tomato