
Why Do Students Commit Suicide?

Why Do Students Commit Suicide?                  Brain is a specific organ for taking care of our own being,for this purpose our brain is very clever.It saves our life in any occasion.It gives strength to cure from all kinds of dieseases.When there is a brain is in our body,why do students end their life?                Why do students want to commit suicide when they fail in single exam,when the don’t get admission in specific college,when they rejected by a girl.An exam,a college or a girl is not mor than our life.Why don’t they understand ?In fact,each human being loves his own being very much. Sometimes,when some danger comes every man or woman try to escape from it.                  I have seen some students have committed suicide before they were 20 years old.I think they can’t bear tension in their subconscious mind.Their parents also can’t feel their pupil’s tension.Taking a tension of study can’t be a reason for ending our life.The root of this thing is our system.

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Moral Story - How to Behave With Others?

                             How to Behave With Others?                               It's the story of a person Baburao.He was the richest person in the village Radhanagari.He owned hundreds of acres land,fifty kilograms of gold and five hundred cows.There were so many servents and maids at his home.He was neither greedy nor selfish but the main problem in his nature was that he used to quarrel with someone.He was short tempered person.                         He would think, "I am a richest person in the village so , each of the person in the village shoul come to me and praise me." None from the would go to him because of his ego.He would angry on any one in the family therefore no one would give him respect or praise him.                         One day he was reading news paper as usual.There was a moral story in the news paper.He read the moral of the story. The moral was that how do the people behave with us is the reaction of how do we behave with them.Eve

Motivational Story - Younger Brother Saved Life Of Elder Brother

  Younger Brother Saved Life Of Elder Brother                                Once, there was a village Rajapur.Balu was living in this village.He was a farmer,He had two sons,Sonu and Monu.Sonu was ten years older than Monu.                              One day Balu and his wife went on the farm.Sonu and Monu were in the school.Balu and his wife were working in the field. At the end of the day,when school bell rang,Sonu and Monu ran to their parents.It was monsoon season.Roads were slippery.They were walking on the bunds between two fields.Tall grass had grown everywhere.While walking through the grass they didn’t notice there was a well in front of them.Monu, who was younger, following his elder brother.When they came near to the well,Sonu’s leg slipped and he fell into the well.He was asking for a help very loudly but without Monu there was no one to help him.                             Monu was too young to pull his 14 years old brother , but Monu didn’t waste ti

The Story Of a Flood Affected Girl in Maharashtra

I Want a School Bag             It is the cry of a girl whose name is Sneha. She   belongs from Kolhapur,Maharashtra(India).            From early in the morning,it was raining heavily.Everyone was at home.Sneha was living with her little brother , mother and father.She was studying in the third standard in government primary school.Sneha’s house was at the bank of the river Panchganga.Water Level was rising so fast from the night,so all family members went on the roof of their house..Still it was raining heavily.There was no sign of saving their lives.                            At that time they heard a call of someone.Someone was calling that they were coming for saving people who were stuck in the flood.The boat come near to them.they were Indian Navy’s sodiers.They had come to rescue the people in flood.Sneha and her family members  sat in the boat.She saw at her house,her favourite pretty doll was floating on water.Her house had dipped in flood water.They had on

One - word Substitutions

Ability to undergo hardship in reachin the goal - endurance A cage of chickens - coop A cave especially one made artificially as a garden shelter - grotto A clever action showing strength,skill or courage - feat A country which is very distant - remote Action that creates something new - improvisation Act of thinking that something will happen - anticipation A division of the country- region A far away place - remote A feeling of sadness and helplessness - depression A follower of a leader or a teacher - disciple A group of people sharing particular charactaristerics - contingent A group of some trees - grove A horse for riding - steed A large hairy bee - bumble bee A large motor boat - launch All those things that a performer knows and can perform - repertoire A long walk in the country - hike An animal that cannot be tamed - wild An area  where birds and wild animals are protected from hunters - sanctuary An old fashione se

Antonyms - List of 1000 Opposite Words

List of 1000 Opposite Words     about × exactly above × below absence × presence abundance × lack accept × refuse accidental × intentional active × lazy add × subtract admit × deny adult × child advanced × elementary affirmative × negative afraid – brave after × before against × for alike × different alive × dead all × none allow × forbid already × not yet always × never ancient × modern ancestor × descendant agree × refuse amateur × professional amuse × bore ancestor × descendant angel × devil animal × human annoy × satisfy answer × ask answer × question antonym × synonym apart × together approximately × exactly argue × agree arrest × free arrival × departure arrive × depart artificial × natural ascent × descent ask × answer asleep × awake attack × defend attack × defence attic × cellar autumn × spring awake × asleep awful × nice back × in front of background × foreground backward × forward bad × good bad luck × fortune beauty