Why Do Students Commit Suicide?

Why Do Students Commit Suicide?

                 Brain is a specific organ for taking care of our own being,for this purpose our brain is very clever.It saves our life in any occasion.It gives strength to cure from all kinds of dieseases.When there is a brain is in our body,why do students end their life?
               Why do students want to commit suicide when they fail in single exam,when the don’t get admission in specific college,when they rejected by a girl.An exam,a college or a girl is not mor than our life.Why don’t they understand ?In fact,each human being loves his own being very much. Sometimes,when some danger comes every man or woman try to escape from it.
                 I have seen some students have committed suicide before they were 20 years old.I think they can’t bear tension in their subconscious mind.Their parents also can’t feel their pupil’s tension.Taking a tension of study can’t be a reason for ending our life.The root of this thing is our system.Study and education should support students,but opposite things are happening here.Parents have more than eough hopes from their children.
                 I think today’s education system in India is loosening the confidence of students.So,they are not sharing with their parents.They don’t share their thoughts with their friends. They have burden of hopes of their parents.

          Ashok Gole Sir


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