Motivational Story - Younger Brother Saved Life Of Elder Brother

 Younger Brother Saved Life Of Elder Brother

                               Once, there was a village Rajapur.Balu was living in this village.He was a farmer,He had two sons,Sonu and Monu.Sonu was ten years older than Monu.
                             One day Balu and his wife went on the farm.Sonu and Monu were in the school.Balu and his wife were working in the field. At the end of the day,when school bell rang,Sonu and Monu ran to their parents.It was monsoon season.Roads were slippery.They were walking on the bunds between two fields.Tall grass had grown everywhere.While walking through the grass they didn’t notice there was a well in front of them.Monu, who was younger, following his elder brother.When they came near to the well,Sonu’s leg slipped and he fell into the well.He was asking for a help very loudly but without Monu there was no one to help him.
                            Monu was too young to pull his 14 years old brother , but Monu didn’t waste time.He removed his shirt,pant and waist belt. He also cut his laces of school bag.He made a rope by tieing together these things.Monu said to his elder brother, “Dada,Don’t be afraid,catch the rope and come out the well.” Monu threw the rope into the well.
                           Sonu caught the rope.Monu was pulling the rope.It was not possible for him to pull the 14 years old boy out of the well but Monu made impossible thing possible.He was giving courage to his elder brother, “Come,Dada come,hold tightly.”Both became wet with sweat.At last,after many efforts Sonu came up.He hold  Monu tightly and said, “Brother,you saved my life today.”Tears were collected in the eyes of both brothers.              
                          Then,they came to their parents.They told them what had haapened with them.This news spread all over the village.No one could believe on them but that was the fact.Someone said, “How can be four years old child can pull the fourteen years old?”
                              It was a miracle.It happened only because of will power.There was no one near the well to said to Monu that he was only four years old and couldn’t  pull his brother.Monu didn’t heard negative words while pulling his elder brother.His willpower made him positive.

Moral – Be positive.
               Positive thoughts motivates you.
               Be friends with positive thinkers.  

        Ashok Gole Sir


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